Discipline & Behavior
My philosophy is that you use discipline to teach your child. I achieve this through love, consistency and firmness. I stress two main patterns of behavior: respect for other people and respect for property. The children are explained the rules of the child care home frequently, so they are all familiar with the guidelines.
I encourage children to use words to express their feelings, rather than use a physical response. It is important for young children to assert their rights, but this needs to be done in a socially accepted behavior.
The following methods of discipline will be used:
- Encourage children to solve problems themselves;
- Intervention and discussion;
- Time-out (as a last resort). This provides an opportunity for the child to calm down and reflect before returning to group play.
Inappropriate Behavior
If I feel that your child has a chronic behavioral issue that needs attention, I will let you know, so that you and I are handling it in the same way and your child has continuity in discipline between our homes. These types of behavior might include such things as biting, use of bad words, chronic hitting, etc. Together, we will try to find a solution. You might call to remove your child if his/her behavior prevents me from being able to properly care for the other children. If problem continues, other arrangements for the care of the child will have to be made, for the safety and well-being of all. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will there be any spanking, physical abuse, verbal abuse, name calling or isolation used. Neither food or sleep will ever be withheld from children as a means of punishment.
Child Care House Rules
*No hitting, biting, pushing, kicking, etc *No picking up babies or toddlers *No leaving the house or yard *No toys brought from home *No running or jumping in the house (these are outside activities) *No name calling, teasing, etc, everyone is treated with respect *No food or drink brought into the home (unless prearranged) *No throwing or intentionally breaking anything (Parent will be responsible to replace anything broken intentionally) *Everyone (children & parents) must remove their shoes or boots before walking on the carpet area
Sometimes at pickup time, the children may get rowdy because someone else is here. Your child has listened to my rules all day. Please show your child that you respect me and my rules by reminding them and enforcing them while you are here. Remember, you are responsible for your child once you walk in.